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How horse abuse is penalised in sport, farewell to a neglected pony and other things the horse world is talking about

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How horse abuse is penalised in sport

Equestrian journalist Pippa Cuckson has tackled the complex topic of disciplinary procedures that apply to horse abuse in the sport, in this exclusive article for H&H subscribers. From how yellow cards are used in different disciplines, to which cases go to a tribunal, to which governing bodies can sanction what and where, this piece answers some of the most common questions.

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Severely neglected rescue pony put down after two years of love

Poppy, a Shetland mare rescued from one of the worst cases of neglect a charity has ever seen, has died. Poppy was one of 13 horses and ponies rescued from a community interest company in summer 2022, which resulted in court proceedings this year. The Mare and Foal Sanctuary said the team was devastated to lose Poppy. “She was such a sweet and courageous girl who completely won our hearts,” said sanctuary manager Saskia Joesbury.

Read the sanctuary’s tribute to Poppy

The horse who led late Queen’s funeral given ‘animals’ OBE’

Lord Firebrand, who led The late Queen’s funeral procession, has been awarded the PDSA Order of Merit, for a decade of “outstanding devotion to duty and service to society”. The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery gelding, who was also part of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations, “went above and beyond his duties” during his 10 years of service. In a video created to mark his award, Captain Amy Cooper of the King’s Troop said: “I’ve never come across another military working horse who enjoys the parade so much and is so well behaved and is just such a lovely character. And they’re very special.”

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