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Furikake (Japanese Seasoning)

Furikake is a savory Japanese spice blend made with dried seaweed (nori), toasted sesame seeds, salt, and spices, typically used as a Japanese rice seasoning, but delicious on everything! Vegan & Gluten-free. Video. This Furikake recipe is so savory and toasty! It’s a Japanese spice blend (or condiment) that is often sprinkled over Japanese Rice. But we’ve been using it on everything from Avocado Toast, to Poke bowls, to Poke Beets, to ourVegan Ramen! Lately, I’ve been sprinkling it over avocado toast and cucumber salads for the best flavor!Recently a reader asked me how to make it because where she lived, it was nowhere to be found. These days it is pretty accessible in urban areas, easily found at most upscale grocery stores, Asian Markets, and even at Trader Joe’s! I really love this brand of Furikake! But if you, like her, would like to make it yourself, it is easy and doable!Homemade Furikake would also make a beautiful hostess gift!What is Furikake?Furikake is a Japanese seasonin...


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