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Furikake (Japanese Rice Seasoning) ふりかけ

Furikakeis a savory-sweet rice seasoning with sesame seeds, dried fish flakes, and nori seaweed. This Japanese condiment is fabulous sprinkled on steamed rice, onigiri, udon noodles, salad, and popcorn. My recipe is a great way to repurpose leftover bonito flakes and kombu from making dashi.Furikake (ふりかけ)is a nutty, crunchy, umami-packed Japanese blend used to season rice. Although it’s referred to as a rice seasoning, furikake is literally the salt and pepper of the Japanese kitchen. It is so versatile that you can use the seasoning to instantly perk up any bland dishes.Table of ContentsWhat is Furikake?Furikake HistoryHow to Make Homemade FurikakeIngredients You’ll NeedOverview: Cooking StepsRepurposing Spent Katsuobushi and KombuFAQsCreative Ways to Enjoy FurikakeA Great Holiday GiftWhat is Furikake?Furikake (literally “sprinkle”) is a flaky or powered Japanese seasoning consisting of sesame seeds, seaweed, and dried seafood, meat, or vegetable. You may be familiar with the com...


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