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”The only thing I did wrong was that I didn`t wake up and save my daughter,” said David Dowaliby. ”My daughter would expect me to be her hero and to save her. But I couldn`t save her.”I wish to God I woke up that night, but I didn`t. I`m guilty of that. If that was why I was here, I could accept it. But that`s not why I`m here.” Dowaliby was convicted May 3 of the September 1988 murder of his 7-year-old daughter, Jaclyn. His wife, Cynthia, also charged in Jaclyn`s murder, was acquitted by Judge Richard E. Neville before the case against her went to the jury.On July 9, Neville will consider motions by Dowaliby`s defense attorneys for a new trial. If the judge denies the motions, Dowaliby will be sentenced and a request will be made for bond.Wearing a white sport shirt over his prison fatigues, Dowaliby discussed the case last week during a two-hour interview in the room that formerly housed the electric chair at Cook County Jail. Dowaliby, calm for most of the interview that included WM...


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