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21 Quick Wins to Simplify Your Home Life

I love the quote by Mother Teresa: “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.”It’s so true. It all starts at home.The only problem is that I love my family best when I’m not stressed about the HOUSE. When I’m not constantly cleaning and constantly nagging the kids to put stuff away.I love my family best when I have the headspace to really see them.For me, a calm house equals a calm heart equals a calm life.This is what I want to give to my family; it’s my small way of changing the world.If you want to clear more space in your head so you can give more love to your family, start here—start today—with these 21 quick wins to simplify your home life.21 Quick Wins to Simplify Your Home Life1. Designate a permanent place for donation itemsChoose a spot in your home or garage and let everyone know what it’s for. I’ll preach this to the end of time because it’s such a KEY step to making decluttering an ongoing part of your life—not just for you but for the whole family.2....


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