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Evil act of mass murder at Bangkok tea party of death in the heart of the capital shocks Thailand and the World - Thai Examiner

Six people were found dead in a Bangkok hotel, poisoned at a tea party orchestrated by Sherine Chong, a Vietnamese American. Chong, facing a legal dispute in Japan, took her own life in the act. The incident has shocked and angered Thailand. On Wednesday, police detained a seventh Vietnamese national for questioning over the nature and supply of the suspected poisonous substance.Six people gathered on Tuesday afternoon in Bangkok in the luxury room of a five-star hotel for a tea party of death. In short, this is what the Metropolitan Police Bureau confirmed on Wednesday. They identified 56-year-old Vietnamese American Sherine Chong as the perpetrator of the heinous act. Ms Chong was a regular visitor to Thailand and murdered the defendants in a legal action against her in Japan while simultaneously taking her own life. The grim, macabre and cruel nature of the incident has not only shocked Thailand but has, at the same time, angered many Thais who feel the country’s image has been dama...


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