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The sad loss of an Olympic star, Army horses back in action and other things the equestrian world is talking about

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Hans Peter Minderhoud Nadine
Hans Peter Minderhoud rides Nadine during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

Goodbye, Nadine

The horse who took Hans Peter Minderhoud to his first Olympic Games has died aged 29. Hans Peter paid tribute to the “wonderful” Nadine, who had to be put down after she suffered a severe case of colic. Hans Peter took the ride on the Partout mare when she was eight and together they helped the Netherlands to European team gold in 2007. They were on the Dutch side that won Olympic silver the following year, and gold at the 2010 World Equestrian Games. Hans bought Nadine after her competitive career so she could live with him in retirement. “My dear Nadine, I hope you are reunited with your friends up there,” he said. “Thank you for everything. You will always be in my heart and I will never forget you.”

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Army horses back in action

Three of the Household Cavalry horses who were hurt after they were spooked in London this spring will be on duty during The King’s birthday parade tomorrow (15 June). Tennyson, Trojan and Vanquish have enjoyed a holiday at the Horse Trust since they were injured in April, and “their recovery was so swift and successful, they returned to service last month”, an Army spokesperson said. Tennyson will be part of the sovereign’s escort and Trojan and Vanquish in The King’s Life Guard at Horse Guards. The riders involved in the incident are also doing well, the spokesperson said, and the two more seriously injured horses, Vida and Quaker, are “still enjoying their peaceful countryside respite care at The Horse Trust, and will do so for as long as they need”.

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It shouldn’t happen to a groom…

… but it has. “As we took off we realised the seats hadn’t been strapped in, and we shot to the back of the plane.” Jenny Ellis, former groom for John Whitaker, Richard Davison and Geoff Billington, is among those who told H&H of some of their most memorable career moments. From questionable equine air transport to breaking down, and missing the ferry by seven hours, and cycling around foreign showgrounds and cities on a luminous pink bike – all part of the day’s work, it seems.

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