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HSI launches 2024 Affiliate Participation Grant

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Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) is delighted to have launched the 2024 Participation Grant for its sporting affiliates. To exemplify the organisation’s vision to lead the sector through increased participation in our sport HSI, in 2020, introduced the Participation Grant, redeveloping the original Sports Grant. The purpose of the grant is to stimulate vibrant growth of equestrian sport in terms of participation numbers across various disciplines through quality experiences, environments, and supports. The HSI Participation Grant supports projects that drive increased participation through targeted initiatives creating a positive environment for growing participation. Projects supported will make equestrianism more accessible, increase participation of women and provide support, resources, and knowledge transfer to all members of the horse sport sector. 2024 will be the fifth year of the HSI Participation Grant and to date, approximately 45 projects have been supported with over €300,000 invested in grassroots equestrianism. HSI Affiliates such as AIRC, AIRE, […]


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