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People are sharing their cringiest work faux pas including accidentally sexting their ENTIRE office

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MOST people would admit to making mistakes in life – but why do any faux pas seem ten times more mortifying when made at work?

Red-faced employees have been sharing their most toe-curling office stories, from sending an accidental rude mass email to misspelling a colleague’s name. 

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Office workers have been sharing their most embarrassing work stories on Twitter[/caption]

People have been responding with their tales to a tweet sent by an office worker called Maurice from Detroit. 

Sharing his awkward story, Maurice said he had accidentally spelt his own name incorrectly over email – only to tell off a co-worker who replied with the spelling error. 

Meanwhile, another person revealed they had sent X-rated emails intended for their partner to 2,000 colleagues.

Spare a thought for these employees who have shared their cringiest moments at work…

A man called Maurice revealed how he wrote his own name wrong in an email[/caption]
The woman experienced the horror of a sext gone wrong, when she accidentally sent her X-rated message to 2,000 people[/caption]
Simple typos can prove awkward in work emails[/caption]
It’s very easy for things to get lost in translation when sending messages[/caption]
It’d be hard to live this toe-curling incident down at work[/caption]
This man wanted the ground to swallow him up after a series of cringeworthy emails[/caption]
A worker had a huge slip-up when they missed a single letter out of word to make a very rude message[/caption]
This woman may not be getting many interviews with her ‘dear madman’ opening[/caption]
Many people have fallen into the trap of the dreaded ‘send all’[/caption]
One woman accidentally called her entire workforce retards[/caption]

Meanwhile, this is the awkward moment a man is caught kissing woman on ‘Kiss Cam’ at football match before admitting he cheated.

And people are sharing their most embarrassing drunken work party stories from going TOPLESS to wetting themselves.



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