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The 4th George Pyrich OTB Allegro Championship Series took place at Castlehill Chess Club, on Thursday 27th February 25, 7:30pm.

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The George Pyrich OTB Allegro Championship Series 24-25

The 4th George Pyrich OTB Allegro Championship Series took place at Castlehill Chess Club, on Thursday 27th February 25, 7:30pm.

Format: 5 round Swiss, 15 minutes each player

It was another number crunching turnout at the Castlehill leg of the George Pyrich Allegro Championship Series, with a record breaking 48 players on the night! The biggest turnout at Castlehill, but just short of the Dundee record!

Castlehill had the capacity to hold up to 60+ players, so still room for more! There was plenty of space between seats and the tables were set out Dundee Congress style!

CLUBS (Players)
Castlehill (hosts) 25 (Amazing)
St Andrews 9
Perth 6
Dundee 5
Kirkcaldy 3

Congratulations to Jacques Ophoff CM (Dundee) on winning the Castlehill leg with a perfect 5 out of 5, and becoming the TAFCA George Pyrich Allegro Castlehill Champion 24-25!

Andre Babin (Castlehill) finished in runners-up spot with an amazing 4½ out of 5, which included a win against Ed Spencer (Dundee)! We had a 5-way tie for 3rd place; Jan Klingelhoefer, Vishva Kodikara (Castlehill), Shubham Lakudkar (Perth), Luke Donofrio (St Andrews) & Ed Spencer (Dundee) 4 points each!

After 4 events, the standings are:

1st Christian Hartogh (St Andrews) 12 pts
2nd Shubham Lakudar (Perth) 11½ pts
3rd George Vayanos (St Andrews) 11 pts
4th Ana Belen Otero Seijas (Castlehill) 8 pts

A big thank you to our hosts, Castlehill Chess Club, and all their helpers, who pulled out all the stops in more ways than one, to make it a night to remember, and they succeeded with a very professional look and work ethic! The big screen with all the pairings each round displayed was a very nice touch! Not only that, but for the first time this season, the event started and finished on time!

Castlehill also raised a whopping £286.50, from raffles sold before and, on the night, which is just unbelievable! Oh boy, I can`t see that being beaten anytime soon!

Thank you to everybody who supported the raffle (donations & buying) and bought the football card!

The money raised mostly went to paying for Castlehill`s outstanding buffet on the night, done by a professional cater, which did not come cheap! It looked and tasted fantastic, so well done Castlehill! But to top it off, Castlehill still had enough left to make a profit and help club funds! Special mention to Alice Noble, who sold raffle tickets before the event took place, which made a big difference!

Thank you to Dundee Chess Club for lending us their chess equipment, just in case!

But I must say, a big, big, big, big thank you, to you the players and clubs for your outstanding support of the Castlehill leg of the George Pyrich Allegro. Honestly, the turnout was mind-blowing! Special mention also goes to those teams out with the City of Dundee, St Andrews, Perth & Kirkcaldy for supporting this event!

The “LAST” stage is at Newport of Knights Chess Club on Wednesday 26th March 25, 7:30pm.

Let’s finish in style!



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