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Annotate your dashboard + reports with the new Text Editor app


Netvibes dashboards enable you to aggregate and analyze the data that matters most to your business. Automate alerts and actions from the dashboard to help your business respond immediately to critical data insights. For example, you can share live dashboards across your company or share insights on-demand using PushMail and PushWeb automated reports. Today we are pleased to add a new “Text Editor” app in Essentials, allowing you to add captions and notes between the apps on your dashboard. Go beyond the numbers to tell the full story behind the data. With the Text Editor app, you can easily include your own explanations, quotes, testimonials or personal insights to your public dashboard, PushWeb reports or PushMail reports without the need for any coding or HTML / CSS knowledge. When you write a note with the Text Editor app, the text appears in its own box/app on your dashboard. Anyone who has access to your dashboard can read it, making it simple to share notes and insights across your team. You can also choose to include Text Editor and any related chart(s) in your PushMail and PushWeb reports, providing in-line commentary to help your audience better understand what’s happening with the […]

The post Annotate your dashboard + reports with the new Text Editor app appeared first on Netvibes Blog.



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