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Interview with Mario Troncoso – Founder of Paddle-Out App

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Hi Mario, what is Paddle Out?
Paddle Out is a mobile application designed to facilitate fun for the paddle sports & surfing community.

So how did you come up with the idea of Paddle Out?
I am fortunate to have friends, a crew, people who I surf with or kayak with regularly. Rarely do I paddle out alone. I noticed that from time to time in early morning sessions there would often be a loan surfer, usually a beginner, often female. My sense is they often wanted to be close by but not necessarily comfortable with three or four strangers in the lineup. I wondered how many other people would like to be out in the water but simply stayed home because they did not have anybody to paddle out with. You get a sense of safety and camaraderie being out with at least one other person. I admit there had been times that I did not paddle out because none of the crew could go when I was able. So, I thought what if there was a tool for people to connect just for the purpose of paddling out?  

Panel above left is the “Sessions” tab filtered on “Surfing”. The panel above right shows the information available when you click on the session from the sessions tab. Date, time, location as well as all of the information shown is available by clicking on the button. Note that you can click on the location link to get directions via Google or Apple maps. When the session is created in “Private” mode only those who have been invited and accepted the invitation will see the above displays. Sessions created in the public mode will be displayed for all to see.

Who is this addressed for? 
Everyone. Anyone who would like to get out in the ocean, lake or river and just needs to find someone to do it with.

The above is an example of a “Session” filtered on “Kayaking”.

Do you see a difference between the surfers and paddlers in the way they engage with the app?
No, I get mixed reviews. People are people. Some people see it as what it is, a tool, not that different than a surfboard or a kayak paddle. A kayak is simply a tool to enable the joy of being out on the water, in nature, enjoying the sport/hobby. Others fear that it will somehow diminish their experience. I don’t think the Paddle Out Mobile App will diminish anybody’s experience anymore than a new surfboard shaper or kayak manufacturer diminishes surfing or kayaking. It’s simply another tool to enable and enhance the experience. 

Where are so far the main region subscribing to the app.
Right now, mostly Florida, a few in Costa Rica, Georgia, and North Carolina. 

The above panels display the “Social” tab. Here individual profiles can be found by individuals above left or by groups above right.

How does the app work? Explain a bit how things work. The different functionality.
The app has a social function where the various users in the app can be found. This section can be filtered by paddle preference for example surfing, kayaking body surfing, paddle boarding, canoeing etc. Other filters include proficiency level (beginner through advanced, gender and geographical area. 

The app also has a scheduling function. You can set up sessions private or public. Within the session the place date and time of the session is provided. Location information includes directions linked through either Google or Apple maps. Private chat is available for only those who have joined the session. The session creator can invite individuals or entire crews. 

Paddle Out does not collect, sell or mine your personal data. The only data collected and maintained is that which is required by either Apple or Google to use their platforms. Paddle out believes that user data belongs to the user, and that it should remain private.

The above shows the “Profile” tab and all of the features. Note that the language for the application can be changed from the “Change Language” tab in the profile section. Currently there are 15 different languages available.   

What are the upcoming updates?
The next update will allow Paddle Out users to invite non-Paddle Out users to connect or join a session. The invite will require the new user to download the app.

Is there a free trial period?
Yes, Seven (7) days.

Price? How much would that cost me?
Subscription cost is $0.99 per month.

Final Thoughts

With Paddle-Out, Mario Troncoso has created more than just an app—it’s a community-building tool for paddlers and surfers looking to connect, share sessions, and explore new waters together. By prioritising user experience and privacy, Paddle-Out is making it easier than ever to find like-minded adventurers and ensure no one has to paddle alone.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started, Paddle-Out is designed to enhance the paddling experience for everyone. With its growing user base and exciting new features on the horizon, this app is set to become an essential tool for water lovers everywhere.

Ready to paddle out? Download the app and start your next adventure today!

7-day Free Trial



L’article Interview with Mario Troncoso – Founder of Paddle-Out App est apparu en premier sur Kayak Session Magazine.


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