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YouTube Gold: 1970’s Fallen Star John Drew

Atlanta Hawks star John Drew

Drew was for real, but his addiction to cocaine destroyed his career and life.

In the 1970’s, the NBA was a mess. The Bill Russell-led Boston dynasty ended in 1969 and no one, not even the young Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, could really fill the void. The ABA, though financially shaky and lacking a TV deal, nonetheless had Julius Erving and people understood they were missing something special. He came to the league in 1976 following the merger, but by then the NBA had run into its biggest challenge, and that was drug abuse.

In the ‘70’s, the NBA didn't have a drug policy and drug use was rampant. A lot of players aw their careers derailed or destroyed by drugs, primarily cocaine. Among those affected were ACC greats David Thompson and John Lucas. Michael Ray Richardson was a huge talent who couldn’t stay away from coke. World B. Free, Richard Dumas and Ricky Sobers had issues too, but one of the poster children for the problem was John Drew.

Drafted in 1974, Drew was a two-time All-Star who couldn’t stay away from cocaine. He ultimately resorted to free basing and in 1983, the Utah Jazz essentially forced him into rehab.

In 1983, the NBA also introduced its three-strike drug policy and in by 1986, Drew was out.

It’s a shame because he was a good player as you’ll see here. He went from a second-round pick to an All-Star and simply couldn’t stay away from coke.

Drew apparently cleaned up eventually but he passed away in 2022 of bone cancer. He remains a cautionary tale not just for the NBA, but for all professional athletes: drugs will cost you and possibly cost you everything.


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