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YouTube Gold: Mark Price Guts the Bulls

Mark Price during his heyday with the Cleveland Cavaliers

Price was a brilliant guard who was underestimated for most of his career. Big mistake.

For whatever reason, NBA types weren’t sold on Mark Price coming out of college. He lasted until the second round, where he was taken by Dallas and subsequently traded to Cleveland.

Wayne Embry, Cleveland’s GM, had an eye for talent, for uncovering underappreciated players and for building teams.

His Cavalier teams challenged the Jordan-era Bulls as much as anyone but could never surpass them in the playoffs (you’ve probably seen the famous clip of Jordan scoring over Craig Ehlo and pumping his fist after the Bulls won on that shot).

Price was one of his most inspired acquisitions.

A 6-0 guard, he had plenty of doubters coming into the NBA, but he became a force to be reckoned with, as you’ll see in this video of a game against Jordan and the Bulls from 1993.

He was quicker than he looked for one thing, he had tremendous hand-eye coordination - and he could shoot as well as anyone in the game at that time.

He was also a tremendous passer as you’ll see here. All things considered, he’s probably the greatest player ever to come out of Georgia Tech.


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