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Peach leaf curl: how to identify, treat & prevent - Plantura

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Peach leaf curl is a common springtime sight on peach or nectarine trees with young leaves distorting and changing colour. Learn how to spot peach leaf curl and what to do if your tree shows signs of infection.Peach leaf curl is a very common fungal disease that affects peach trees (Prunus persica), nectarine trees (Prunus persica var. nucipersica) and also some apricot trees (Prunus armeniaca). However, it is not all bad news as there are methods of peach leaf curl prevention that can help control and combat the issue. There are also varieties that are less susceptible to peach leaf curl. Fortunately, peach leaf curl does not completely damage a crop of peaches.ContentsWhat is peach leaf curl?Peach leaf curl symptomsTreating peach leaf curlHow to prevent peach leaf curl diseaseChoose a peach leaf curl resistant varietyPruningOverwinteringWhat is peach leaf curl?Peach leaf curl is a disease caused by Taphrina deformans. It is quite prevalent in all peach and nectarine cultivars and has...


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