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2025 Ice Racing Awards Dinner April 5th

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pThanks to everyone involved—the Kin for building and maintaining the track, the hosting clubs for staffing the events, the competitors for supporting the events, and of course, our sponsors, whose generous support is greatly appreciated. The sponsor dollars make the difference between breaking even and losing money.  /p

pThe final event of the year is the Ice Racing Awards Dinner, scheduled for April 5, 2025.  a data-saferedirecturl=;source=gmailamp;ust=1741278128449000amp;usg=AOvVaw2uq94SyVJ9d8EPPVjVtbNC href= target=_blankREGISTRATION/a is open./p

pStart time:  6 pm for cocktails (cash bar), 7 pm for dinner/p

pLocation:  Trillium Trails Events, 53 Snow Ridge Court, Oshawa/p

pDinner: choice of roast beef or spinach amp; cheese manicotti, plus salad, rolls, veg, dessert, coffee, amp; tea/p

pPlease note any dietary restrictions when you a data-saferedirecturl=;source=gmailamp;ust=1741278128449000amp;usg=AOvVaw2uq94SyVJ9d8EPPVjVtbNC href= target=_blankREGISTER/a./p

pThe cost is $50 (HST included) per person, subsidized by the hosting clubs and CASC-OR./p

pThe awards presentation is to commence immediately following dinner./p

pCome on out and celebrate our champions.  It is a chance to tell more tall tales about your prowess on and off the ice before we put everything away until next winter!  See you there!/p/div

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