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CRASH PAD-As Important as your Helmet -ships free-


CRASH PAD - There's No Reason Not To !!!

Like seat belts and your helmet and the rest of the stuff you use to reduce injury in a crash...
The CRASH PAD should be part of your standard equipment.

Spinal Injuries don't happen often but when it happens, it's really serious !!!

Compression Fractures, Broken Back, Broken Neck, Nerve Damage or Paralysis
can happen in a crash.

Frame bottom impacts during a crash compress the weight of your body, head and helmet
against the rigid bottom of the seat with back breaking force.

Your need space under your spine with the right compression resistance to
slow your downward motion and absorb impact forces.

Reduce the force of seat bottom impact with The Right Stuff in your seat.
The material in The CRASH PAD   -TESTED BEST- for the US Military to solve the same problem.

The CRASH PAD material provides the needed space  and compression resistance
to -evenly- slow your downward motion during impact.
If there was something better, we'd use it.

Find all the details, Online Ordering at



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