
Inoue’s Incredible Story after a Knockdown

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Inoue In The Corner After The First Round (1)

By Joe Koizumi
Photos by Naoki Fukuda

Incredible story! Japan’s most popular news show named “Sunday Morning” of TBS television–this Sunday–revealed an untold surprising episode of “Monster” Naoya Inoue’s behavior after his very first knockdown in his career that he suffered in the opening session at the hand of Luis Nery at the Tokyo Dome.

Inoue In The Corner After The First Round (2)While Naoya was sitting on the stool in the corner after the first, he was watching a big screen that replayed Nery’s left hook dropping him. Monster reportedly carefully watched the orbiting patch of Nery’s vicious left hand so that he would never take the punch again.

Is that true? Usually it is said a boxer after hitting the deck becomes temporarily unclear in thinking because of the cobwebs. Monster Inoue, however, did analyze Pantera Nery’s punching angle and timing of his countering shot in the first—thanks to the big screen replay at the Dome.

Should it be really true, he must be a Monster.

The post Inoue’s Incredible Story after a Knockdown appeared first on fightnews.com.



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