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The simple 5-step men's skincare routine | NIVEA MEN

Discover a simple 5-step skincare routine for men, with further supplementary skincare tips WHAT IS MEN'S SKINCARE? Men's skincare is a rapidly growing industry, with so many products out there now it can be overwhelming. In order to uncomplicate things NIVEA has created a simple 5-step skincare routine for men, along with additional skincare tips to ensure you are looking and feeling good. WHY MEN'S SKINCARE IS DIFFERENT TO WOMEN’S Although there are similarities between men's and women's skincare needs there are also many differences. It all comes down to hormone differences between men and women, as men have much higher levels of testosterone which makes the skin 25 percent thicker and behave differently from woman’s. The higher levels of testosterone also lead to denser hair follicles, oilier skin and larger pores which pump out sebum.Due to the differences between men's and women's skin, men need to find products that are specifically designed for their needs. Men therefore requir...


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