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Whey Protein vs Collagen: What is the difference? | Protein Works

Whey protein and collagen are two of the most popular supplements in the health and wellness world. Outside of those, collagen and protein are becoming quick and convenient options for those looking to improve their daily diets and ensure they get the nutrients their bodies need.Due to their immense popularity, many ask, “Is collagen as good as whey?” To answer that and other questions, let’s break down what collagen and whey protein are, what they do, and how to take them.What is whey protein?Manufacturers make whey protein from whey, the watery part of milk that separates from curds during cheese-making. Have you ever noticed liquid floating on top of your yoghurt? That’s whey.Although cheesemakers once discarded whey during the cheesemaking process, people now value whey for its role in producing whey protein. Producers pasteurise the whey, then concentrate and isolate the protein using membrane filtration or ion exchange technology. The end product is whey protein — the powder many...


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