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If You Spend Your Day Staring at a Screen, Doing Just a Minute of ‘Eye Yoga’ Can Ease Neck, Jaw, and Forehead Tension

First of all, this isn’t a New Year’s resolution takedown. To say they’re all silly or ultimately ill-fated is simply false. In fact, around 60 percent of the people who made New Year’s resolutions are still going strong one month in, per the Pew Research Center. So if you’re locked into a goal you set on January 1, keep your foot on the gas pedal and leave all the resolution cynicism and “quitter’s day” rhetoric in the dust.Experts in This ArticleGretchen Rubinhappiness expert and New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness ProjectVanessa Scaringilicensed psychologist and co-owner of Calm CounselingadvertisementHowever, if you find yourself on the other side of those hopeful statistics—your resolution fizzled out, or you didn’t bother setting one because you figured you’d abandon it anyway—don’t despair. Maybe a traditional New Year’s resolution is not the best vehicle for you and your goals, and what you need is an entirely different approach.For ideas on resolution alternativ...


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