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The best under-eye patches our beauty editors swear by to treat dark circles and puffiness

We’re in the depths of winter, and we don’t know about you, but our skin starts to feel particularly dull and dehydrated around this time of year - and that’s particularly true of our under-eyes. Let's be frank with one another. Dark under-eye circles and puffy "I've not slept enough" eyes are the worst. There are of course a few things you can you do - ensure your skincare routine includes one of the best eye creams, arm yourself with a hard-working brightening concealer and invest in some of the best under-eye patches. Thanks to a combination of too many hours spent on our phones and not enough hours spent fast asleep, we often wake up noticing that our eye area is looking (and feeling) overly puffy and dry.This is unsurprising—with fewer sebaceous glands and far thinner skin than on the rest of the face, the area around our eyes is prone to damage and is one of the first places to suffer when overtired (check), stressed (check) and dehydrated (yep, check again).A wealth of clever un...


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