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Two men die taking part in Ironman event in Co Cork during the swimming leg of triathlon

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TWO men have died taking part in an Ironman triathlon event in Co Cork today.

The gruelling race had been re-organised for today after a postponement caused by Storm Betty.

Both men were participants in the event and died in separate incidents
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The swim course for the event was shortened from an original distance of 3.8km
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The two men died in unrelated circumstances while participating in the 1.7 kilometre swim in the popular seaside resort of Youghal in County Cork.

One of the men killed is understood to be Canadian and in his mid 60s.

The other is aged in his 40s and originally from Ireland but living in England.

It’s understood one of the deceased died shortly after entering the sea at the start of the race and may have suffered a medical episode.

They were both treated by paramedics at the scene but were pronounced dead.

Their bodies were taken to a temporary morgue in the local fire station and will be taken later today to the morgue at Cork University Hospital for postmortem examinations.

Saturday’s Ironman half triathalon in Youghal had been postponed until Sunday due to flooding and debris on the bike course in the aftermath of Storm Betty. 

After the tragedies the event continued with a 90km cycle and a long distance run.

Gardai say files will be prepared for the Coroner’s Court but both deaths are being treated as tragedies.

The local community and organisers of the event have been left stunned by the tragedies.

The race normally involves a 180km cycle along the costal roads and through villages in East Cork, the swim and a 42.2km run around Youghal and into the town where the finishing line is located.

Because of Storm Betty the courses were shortened to allow competitors to participate in the one day Sunday event.

Many of those involved were competing in the international element of the race which provides points for entry into international events in other countries.


One local said: “It is hard to believe that such tragedies have happened particularly after the trauma of having to cancel so much of the weekend because of the storm.”

The event attracts thousands of visitors to the seaside town of Youghal but because of the damage done by the storm with fallen trees and road strewn with debris plus flooding the organisers had to make the decision to cancel the big event.

The three-day event  draws up to 12,000 visitors and athletes to Youghal and brings a €6m boost to the local and regional economy. 

There were two different triathlons organised, one a shorter course for Irish competitors and approximately 1,000 athletes had registered for each triathlon, with a total of 110 qualifying places in subsequent world championships in Hawaii and New Zealand up for grabs.

The contestants represented 62 nationalities, the majority of whom will hail from Ireland, Britain, and the US. 

Young athletes competing in Friday’s IronKids event had to endure very wet conditions as they took to the streets of Youghal. 

Up to 700 children aged 4-15 years took part.



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