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City offering FREE four-bedroom house, no rent

A TOWN has offered a four-bedroom rent-free home and a £460,000 salary package to fill a much-needed role.

Council in Quairading, Western Australia, had the tempting

suggestion of bringing in a local doctor as the rural town struggled with a skills shortage.

The farming town has been without a
doctor for months
Credit: Alamy

The farming community, which is about 100 miles east of the capital Perth, has always had trouble attracting enthusiastic workers due to its remoteness.

A family doctor was under contract as of March 14, but the council struggled to find a replacement due to a doctor shortage in the WA area.

With more than 600 residents in need of basic healthcare, Shire President Peter Smith had to come up with a lucrative deal that’s too good not to be refused.

Along with his advice, he proposed a £460,000 package which included a full-time job in a neat and well-equipped medical clinic, a four-bedroom family home with no rent and annual salary with benefits.

Since the vacancy was posted in January, the council has been inundated with applicants.

However, after going through hundreds of resumes, Councilman Smith told The Sun Online that the council had filled the role.


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