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Sultanes vs Charros for first-ever Mexican Softball League title; Watch the Finals on GameTime

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<p>Sultanes de Monterrey and Charros de Jalisco are the two finalists of the first ever Mexican Softball League (LMS), after winning their semifinal series. The five-game&nbsp;<em>Serie de la Reina</em>&nbsp;(Queen Series) will open on Tuesday 12 March in Guadalajara.</p>

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<p>All&nbsp;<em>Serie de la Reina</em>&nbsp;games will be available on <a rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="GameTime (opens in a new tab)" href="" target="_blank">GameTime</a>, the WBSC streaming service. Fans can still acquire their pass for $4.99.</p>

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<p>Charros de Jalisco was the first qualified team for the&nbsp;<em>Serie de la Reina</em>, sweeping their series against Diablos de Mexico, 3-0. The team from Guadalajara took the two games in Mexico City (6-3 and 11-10), and clinched their spot in the final with a 13-1 win at home.</p>

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<p>The second semifinal was a thriller, ending with a Sultanes come-from-behind victory in Game 5 over El Aguila de Veracruz, 5-2. El Aguila had taken the lead with an inside-the-park home run from&nbsp;Devanie Gutierrez&nbsp;in the top of the fourth, but Sultanes answered with a three-run homer from Cuban National Team member Yarianna Lopez to take the lead in the game.</p>

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<p>The&nbsp;<em>Serie de la Reina</em>&nbsp;will open with the first two games at Pan American Stadium in Jalisco on Tuesday and Wednesday,. The series will then move to Monterrey for Game 3 on Friday, and Games 4 and 5 (if necessary) on the weekend.</p>

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<p>The first season of the Mexican Softball League has been a great success, with more than 150,000 fans attending the games across six stadiums during the regular season.&nbsp;</p>

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<p><em>Photo: Sultanes de Monterrey</em></p>

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