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Dutch Baseball Softball Federation elects new Board, Gregor Rossen as President

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<p>On Saturday, 9 December, in Nieuwegein, Utrecht Province, the Royal Dutch Baseball Softball Federation (<strong><a rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="KNBSB (opens in a new tab)" href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">KNBSB</span></a></strong>) Congress elected Gregor Rossen as its new President as part of a new Federal Board.</p>

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<p>Rossen, a Senior Portfolio Manager Alternatives at Aegon Asset Management, has worked as a coach and executive for the Dutch clubs TIW Survivors and Amsterdam Capitals.</p>

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<p>Elliott Rivera was elected Treasurer. The Board includes Simone Willemse, Nicole van de Graaf, Garmt Kolhorn and Paul van Kimmenaede.</p>

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<p>The new Board was proposed by a selection committee chaired by Diana Remmers. The clubs approved almost unanimously.</p>

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<p>Before the vote, the Supervisory Commission chair Jan Kuipers said that Dutch Baseball and Softball now needs "a connection" between the Board and the clubs. </p>

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<p>In his first speech as president, Rossen confirmed that the "connection" is also his ultimate goal.</p>

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<p>The Congress also approved the 2024 budget.</p>

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