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Virtual Baseball: China’s Women’s National Softball Team hosts home run challenge at first-ever Softball Experience Centre

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<p>The Chinese Softball Association hosted the "Beijing Xisanqi Mixc Hui Cup", the first college Virtual Home Run Challenge in the nation featuring all players of the Women’s National Softball Team. The event was held at the organisation’s new Softball Experience Centre at&nbsp;Mixc Plaza, the biggest shopping mall in Shenzhen and one of the most popular malls in China.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

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<p>The&nbsp;event used&nbsp;the WBSC approved virtual baseball&nbsp;simulator&nbsp;STRIKEZON,&nbsp;in the&nbsp;Homerun Derby mode for competition.&nbsp;Each team was&nbsp;formed&nbsp;by&nbsp;two&nbsp;players&nbsp;from any school, teamed with a&nbsp;Women’s National Softball&nbsp;Teamathlete,&nbsp;selected randomly. Each team had&nbsp;15 chances to hit the ball,&nbsp;five for each player.&nbsp;The results of the game&nbsp;were based on the cumulative number of home runs after 15 at-bats to generate the final rankings.</p>

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<p>Zheng Lu, secretary-general of the Chinese Softball Association, said that the successful holding of this event will have a positive impact on the promotion of baseball and softball, especially among college students in the capital.</p>

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<p>The event was hosted as part of the launching ceremony of the strategic cooperation between the China Softball Association and China Resources Mixc Life Business North China Region.</p>

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<p>Yang Xu, chairman of the Chinese Softball Association, said that the "sports service + business service" strategic cooperation with China Resources Mixc Life Commercial North China Region is an&nbsp;important cross-industry exploration made by the Chinese Softball Association from the perspective of the overall development of the project. It is also a very important practical innovation.&nbsp;</p>

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<p>“From the perspective of the development of Chinese softball, this is the first time that such a model has been established, so this cooperation is of milestone significance!”&nbsp;</p>

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