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Global Game: Palestine Baseball5 course aims to grow the game

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<p>The Palestinian Baseball and Softball Federation announced the conclusion of a course for Baseball5 game officials and coaches. The Palestinian Olympic Committee supported the initiative.</p>

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<p>The course was held by the federation president Ahmed Tafesh and secretary-general Adel Alyan.</p>

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<p>It included a theoretical and a practical part and was offered online to the federation members, including the diaspora from Lebanon and Syria.</p>

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<p>The Palestinian Baseball Softball Federation believes Baseball5, which can be played on various terrains -- indoor and outdoor -- and requires no special equipment -- can become a major tool for development in the area.</p>

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<p style="background-color:#f8f5dd" class="has-background"><strong>You might also be interested in</strong>:<br>- <a rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="Women's Baseball5 championship in Palestine (opens in a new tab)" href="" target="_blank">Women's Baseball5 championship in Palestine</a><br>- <a rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="Baseball5 Cup staged in Gaza Strip (opens in a new tab)" href="" target="_blank">Baseball5 Cup staged in Gaza Strip</a><br>- <a rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="Youth Women's Baseball5 championship launched in Palestine (opens in a new tab)" href="" target="_blank">Youth Women's Baseball5 championship launched in Palestine</a><br>- <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="Federation Focus: Palestine (opens in a new tab)">Federation Focus: Palestine</a></p>

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