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Ski season is here

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QUEENSBURY, N.Y. (NEWS10) – West Mountain is geared up for the snowboarding and skiing season. The soft opening is this weekend. NEWS10 has a preview of the winter fun. 

“We are kicking off the season on Friday from 6:30 to 9:00 with our Merry on the Mountain holiday event. It’s a tree lighting event with a lot of activities for all ages. And then the season opener is Saturday, December 7th,” said Sara Montgomery is the general manager.

She said they will be open 8:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. December 7-8. Montgomery said they’re usually in a mad scramble to get open by Christmas. 

“It is a pleasant surprise to be where we are right now this early in December,” said Montgomery.

Although the weather has given them a nice start on the season, they'll continue to make snow overnight to keep the fun going all winter long.

“It’s a long process, but we are ahead of where we were last year which is great and we’re excited to be opening this weekend and you know not a ton of terrain will be open this weekend but hopefully by next weekend you know we’ll be in better shape,” said Montgomery.

She said the early start has allowed them to get staff training done in a timely manner. Now, if you’re looking for seasonal employment, West Mountain is still hiring.

They’re looking for restaurant workers, lift attendants, and snow makers. You can check out their website for more information.


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