Yes it’s that time already. Anyone with ideas for meets for 2026 please get in touch.
This YEAR, 2025, we particularly need someone to coordinate New Year 2025 at Raw Head. There is already a willing team primed to help cook and entertain.
FOR 2026 – The schedule is to have an first draft 2026 meets list by mid August 2025 for approval at the September committee meeting and final list for approval by the November committee meeting before being sent off for printing and circulation to members.
LONG LEAD TIME MEETS 2026 – now is the time to get to grips with any meets that involve overseas travel or longer term planning. It will be good to have a selection of climbing and treking meets. I am keen to hear from our more experienced big meet coordinators, or any one else who fancies a trip away. These meets have proven to be great experiences for members in the past.
OTHER MEETS 2026 – We have a whole (fairly) empty calendar to fill for 2026 so get going converting hobbies and interest into Hill based activities to share with fellow members. Or just have a plain and simple hut meet with good company to get out on the hill to climb or walk..
We are, of course, also hoping to have the usual selection of popular traditional meets on the list.
There are three of us you can contact with ideas. We are dividing or efforts approximately as follows.
Graham Harkness ( – covering the months Jan to June plus any of the more usual meets like committees.
Erica Bradley ( – for the period July to December
Laurence Piercy ( ) – for family meets and tiring things like running meets.
It always helps to remember we are a Lakes club and have all those beautifully placed huts available so please use them at any time, it does not have to be a meet.
We look forward to hearing from you.