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Les’s easy guide to setting up the Infoodle app

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Santa Les and his (guinea pig) Elves are giving you a Christmas gift – the Simple Guide to installing the Infoodle App!!!

Some background, as many ask ‘What is Infoodle?’ and ‘Is it linked to the FRCCwebsite?’

Infoodle is a database and we’ve used it for a year, superseding our old database. It holds all your personal details, publications preferences, BMC number, club roles, join date etc and is kept up to date by Les Meer at

Importantly Infoodle is ‘stand alone’ i.e. completely separate from the FRCC website, so separate login usernames and passwords for each. Note if you change your email address and Les updates it on Infoodle, he tells webmaster Chris Wright to also update it on the FRCC website so hut bookings are correctly acknowledged. Plans are well underway to launch a new FRCC website next year, integrated with Infoodle to avoid this duplicate login and booking / data.

So – we invite those who don’t yet have the  super Infoodle App on their  Smartphone to have a bash at installing it. Don’t panic – this does not require the sometimes problematical 2FA (two factor authentication) and QR code scan needed if you want full Infoodle access on a PC – and there’s no need for that unless you want full control to edit your own data.

WARNING: Everything is done on your smartphone so just follow the four steps in these instructions (Do not try and install the App or reset Password via the FRCC website or Infoodle website).

1). On your smartphone, go into App Store (iphone) or Play Store (Android).  Find and download the App ‘Infoodle’. It’s a turquoise square with infinity symbol (number 8 on its side) within the square.

2). In the past you were sent an email with Username and Password to access the App, but you may have mislaid or forgotten it! So unless you know, email requesting a reminder of Username and a Password reset for the Infoodle app.

You will receive an automated email giving Username and asking you to set up a new Password. Set this up and maybe make a note of it!

3). Click the Infoodle App on your phone and where it says ‘find your organisation’ enter FRCC and the club name will appear below, which you need to click.

4). This takes you to a screen asking for Username and Password.  Enter these to login (Username is not case sensitive but Password is) and the app should open successfully.  You won’t need to log in whenever you want to access the App again. However if you are careless – or indeed minded to – you can logout via the App ‘Profile’ circular icon and dustbin symbol, in which case login again with the password you wrote down somewhere, or follow the instructions in 2) above.

Go on give it a whirl – you know it makes sense – but if you have problems then the IT savvy and helpful team lurking at will come to your aid!


Комментарии для сайта Cackle

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