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2024 AGM & Annual Dinner

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2024 AGM & Annual Dinner

Date: Saturday 23 November 2024

By popular request of members, we are returning to The Castle Green Hotel, Kendal, LA9 6RG. The hotel is 2.75 miles from Oxenholme station.

This year's event coincides with the 2024 Kendal Mountain Festival, allowing those members with an interest to take in a talk or film screening during the weekend.

The order of events is:

15:00  AGM in the Kendal Suite.

16:30 - 17:30  Presentations on the impending release of Denise Evans' autobiography and recent AC expeditions.

18:30  Cash bar open in the Function Suite (where the dinner is taking place. Cumbria's finest real ales will be available.

19:30  Dinner.


Tickets for the three course dinner are £45.00 per person, reduced to £30.00 for those under the age of 40 on the date of the dinner.

Favourable B&B room rates have been arranged with the hotel as follows: £155 for a double/twin room for one night, and £260 for two nights. £125 for a single room for one night, £220 for two nights. For a third or more night, the rates are £120 per night for a double/twin room and £110 for a single. These discounted rates will be held until the end of October, so you are encouraged to book soon. Call 01539 734000 and quote 'Alpine Club'.

Members can now buy dinner tickets for themselves and their guests, paying in either of the following ways:

  • By cheque, made payable to 'Alpine Club', and sent in the post to the Honorary Secretary at 55 Charlotte Road, London EC2A 3QF

  • Or online by logging into the AC website, navigating to the 'Events' tab and selecting 'AGM & Dinner Booking' from the drop-down menu.

When applying for tickets, please specify any dietary requirements.

Tickets will be posted to members in the two weeks before the event. 

Further details of the event will be circulated in due course on the website, in our next Newsletter and by Alpinet.


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