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Penguins Burn Devils, 7-3, Win Fourth in a Row

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Who in the heck are those guys who’ve been showing up clad in Penguins uniforms at PPG Paints Arena of late, and what have they done with the real Penguins? You know, the ones who were fast becoming Tankathon darlings.

Or, as Hedley Lamarr’s henchman, Taggart, exclaimed in the 1974 comedy classic, Blazing Saddles, “What in the wide, wide world of sports is a goin’ on here?”

My goodness, if we keep on winning like we did this afternoon against the Devils, not only will we have to kiss our dwindling chances of landing a lottery pick goodbye, we may actually have to resurrect those long abandoned playoff aspirations.

In the wake of the trade deadline, the Pens have looked and felt like a different team. Some guys are meant to lead while others are meant to follow. Without naming names or pointing fingers, going back to the Vancouver trade it feels like we’ve shed some passengers and added guys who are actually dipping their oars into the water and helping to row. Putting their backs into it, in an oarsman’s vernacular.

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