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You Can't Please Everybody

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After every episode of Toronto Mike'd, I post about it on Bluesky and then copy and paste that promotional message to be shared on LinkedIn, Instagram, X and Facebook. On my Facebook post about the Scott Thompson episode, I received this comment from FOTM Banjo Dunc.

How could you air this Toronto Mike Shameful. I could barely get past the first minute. You gave your platform to a guy who finds the threat to Canada and Canadians "fascinating"? Then he brags about going there to happily tour while thousands of his neighbours are about to experience great suffering. Louise Penny inspires a nation. This guy? Not!

"Shameful?" Was Dunc talking about the same Scott Thompson episode of Toronto Mike'd I recorded Tuesday?

That 90 minutes I spent with Scott Thompson of Kids in the Hall and The Larry Sanders Show fame might just be my favourite episode of Toronto Mike'd, and I've recorded 1649 episodes over the past 12.5 years. Scott was the ideal guest... giving, funny, honest and thoroughly entertaining.

He opened up about witnessing the 1975 Brampton school shooting, how that shaped him, how he ended up in Kids in the Hall, why he'd never do another season for Amazon Prime, the Buddy Cole origin story, being firebombed in LA, a tender moment with Garry Shandling following his brother's suicide, and his experience appearing on The Simpsons three times. And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

When a friend and FOTM whose opinion I value tells me the episode is shameful and he struggled to get past the first minute, I realize you really can't please all of the people all of the time.

The Scott Thompson episode of Toronto Mike'd absolutely rules.


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