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NOTO vintage store sells Topeka ice hockey memorabilia in light of teams returning

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TOPEKA (KSNT) - Ice hockey is returning to the capital city tomorrow, and one vintage store in North Topeka is helping people gear up.

Friday, Jan. 24, ice hockey will be back at the Stormont Vail Events Center. To get people ready, Tricia Tripe, owner of Decades Garage in the NOTO Arts District, sold ice hockey memorabilia from the former Topeka teams. Tripe told 27 News a local collector offered items from his personal collection for her to sell in the store.

Some of the items Tripe is selling include used ice hockey pucks, sticks, as well as Topeka Roadrunners and Scarecrows jerseys that were worn in-game, and later signed and authenticated.

Tripe said it was cool learning about the history of the local teams, and was excited to meet some true fans.  

"It's pretty great you know, when you just have a vintage shop in north Topeka you don't think about having this kind of local impact," Tripe said. "I'm excited to be a part of this and can't wait to see how it takes root.

Tripe said she’s learned a lot about ice hockey with this project and is excited to use that newfound knowledge when she watches the local games soon.

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