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Life in Stages with Joel Greenberg Has Launched

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Life in Stages, a new podcast created and hosted by Joel Greenberg, is a series of conversations with Canada’s finest Theatre artists.

Each episode features a guest who shares their story about when, why and how they came to dedicate their professional lives to a career noted for its daunting challenges as well as its exhilarating accomplishments.

Series One features the following guests (in broadcast order):

Mark McGrinder, Sheila McCarthy, Jeff Miller, Sarah Orenstein, Michael Healey, Tracy Michailidis, Sterling Jarvis, Janelle Hutchison, Ron Lea and Fiona Reid.

Here is a preview of what to expect:

The first full episode drops Thursday, September 26, and every Thursday thereafter.

LIFE IN STAGES is available wherever you get your podcasts – please subscribe/follow and share this with friends, family, colleagues, etc.

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