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Fun Fact: Reading This Blog is Optional

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I've had this blog for 25 years. In 1999 it was a "personal home page" and then I converted it to the burgeoning new blog format in 2002. Once in while, when I have something to share, I like knowing I have this little slice of real estate on the world wide web where I can publish a thought or two.

In addition to the odd thought, I share episodes of my podcast. Every episode gets its own page, and this is helpful when sharing episodes via social media or when someone searches for such a conversation via Google or whatever. My podcast has been an amazing success and I'm very proud of it.

And yes, every Friday morning for many, many years I've been posting an Open Mike where anyone can comment. A few years ago I started a less public FOTM group which is where most of the interesting discourse now happens, but longtime commenter Cheryl really enjoys sharing on the Open Mikes, so several years ago I pledged to keep these alive so long as she commented on them. Sometimes I go so far as to call these "Cheryl's Open Mike". Cheryl is welcome to post on my Open Mikes as often as she pleases, and when she stops, they'll likely stop, but not a minute sooner. I personally do not care if Cheryl is the only commenter, so long as she comments.

Every so often I receive these downright nasty emails from a former commenter who seems to think this is his blog. It's not. This is my blog, and reading it, following it, and commenting on it is 100% optional.

There are other websites who would love your clicks. Good riddance.


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