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What's In a Name? Of SkyDome and the ACC (Toronto Mike)


I was forced to read far too much Shakespeare in University. Not that it was bad, but it just felt too schooly, and I never liked that feeling. Of course, it's my fault for taking all those Shakespeare classes in the first place...

Billy S. gave Juliet this great line, and I think it applies nicely to Toronto sports venues.

What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet

The SkyDome cost over half a billion dollars to build, and the city and province kicked in a large chunk of that change. As a result, it never felt right when Rogers picked it up for $25 million and then renamed it the Rogers Centre. SkyDome wasn't named after a corporate entity. As a result, I usually call it "the dome". People usually know exactly what I'm referring to.

The ACC, however, was named for a corporation from day one. You may have heard of Air Canada. Changing the name to Scotiabank Arena doesn't bother me in the least. I'm more concerned with what we laypeople will call it... I'm supporting "The Cashbox".

Corporately named sporting venues is the reality of the world we live in today. We watch soccer at BMO Field and watch the Marlies play at Ricoh Coliseum and practice at the MasterCard Centre. Don't get your knickers in a knot when they swap out one corporation for another. The highest bidder usually prevails.

But that SkyDome swap still stings... that one is different.



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