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Best African American hair loss treatments described

Hair loss: It’s one of those things that none of us want to experience and yet, the reality is that many of us will. Reportedly, 53 percent of men will experience moderate to extreme hair loss as they continue to age. (1) Meanwhile, as much as 50 percent of women will lose a noticeable amount of hair over the course of their lifetime too. (2) Most of these people are affected by a condition known as androgenetic alopecia, also known as pattern hair loss.Many different types of alopecia are common — but some types affect Black men and women more than other individuals. Black men and women can experience androgenic alopecia, the most common form of hair loss. But they’re also likely to be affected by scarring alopecias, which are caused by scalp inflammation, traction alopecia, which occurs when hair is subjected to repeated tension or friction, and hair follicle disorders. (3,4)In order to find an effective treatment option, you’ll need to get a professional diagnosis from your doctor....


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