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PBI-Gordon introduces new field development team

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PBI-Gordon Corp. recently launched its new Field Development Team, designed to serve distributors and end-users across the United States. The team of turfgrass experts will serve as a resource to the PBI-Gordon product portfolio by providing:

  • Training on new and existing products
  • Product trials and demonstrations
  • Consultation on emerging turfgrass issues
  • Educational materials to end users
  • Timely guidance on the control of problematic pests
Miele, Aynardi and Estes from left to right. (Photo: PBI Gordon)

Members of the new Field Development Team are:

Brian Aynardi, Ph.D., regional director: Aynardi joined PBI-Gordon in 2016 as manager of university and contract research for the northeastern U.S. His area of expertise is fungicides for both cold-season and warm-season grasses.

Aynardi holds a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology and B.S. in Turfgrass Science from Pennsylvania
State University. During his time at Penn State, he gained extensive experience overseeing
fungicide field trial experiments and completed his dissertation on the biology of the dollar spot pathogens. Since joining PBI-Gordon, he has worked with the R&D Team on the development of new active ingredients and next-generation products in the company’s portfolio. He has also assisted with internal and external product training, particularly for distribution channel partners.

Alan Estes, M.S., southeast field development representative: His territory covers all states from Virginia to Florida and west to Texas. Before joining PBI-Gordon in May 2024, Estes was the pesticide product registration manager for Clemson University.

Estes holds a master’s degree in applied economics and statistics and a bachelor’s degree in horticultural science. His area of expertise is herbicides, particularly the intricacies of turf tolerance, weed spectrum, rates and timing.

Kevin Miele, M.S., northeast field development representative: His territory covers all states from Virginia north and west to the Chicago area.

Miele holds a master’s degree in plant sciences and a bachelor’s degree in turf and turfgrass management from the University of Connecticut. Before joining PBI-Gordon in January 2025, he was the golf course superintendent at Windham Golf Course (Windham, Conn.).

“The PBI-Gordon Field Development Team was developed with the specific needs of our endusers
and distribution partners in mind,” said Aynardi. “The diverse backgrounds and decades of
experience in sales, research, distribution, and field application on our team gives us a well-rounded perspective on the industry. Through new and existing product training, new product trials and demonstrations, technical support, developing educational materials, and providing timely information for the control of problematic pests, we welcome opportunities to collaborate, consult, and solve.”

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<p>The post PBI-Gordon introduces new field development team first appeared on Golfdom.</p>


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