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The 5 Best Sinus Rinse Kits [Ranked] - Product Reviews and Ratings

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What Are Buyers Saying?The Navage Nasal RinserThe first nasal rinse system we examined was the Navage. It's marketed as one of the only nasal irrigators that has a truly gentle suction power that is designed to help relieve nasal congestion associated with hayfever, colds, pollution, sinusitis, and common allergies.A drug-free option, the manufacturers reinforce that nasal irrigation is an effective and safe means to disrupt sinus congestion so that you don't have to go to the doctor as frequently or take potentially harmful medications. The nose cleaner itself works only with Navage salt pods, helping you to retrieve refreshing saline rinses without a mess.Buyers say that this nasal rinse system will not function without the salt pods- this is because of their proprietary design.Other buyers also say that you should always use distilled water, regardless of the nasal-rinsing device you choose to purchase- this is because elements in tap water can create polyps, reviewers have been tol...


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