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SORTED :) Windows After XP Sux big time. - Page 23

EDIT: I deleted this post as I have added quite a bit and wanted it to show as a new post.Above Z2697 post has appeared before I reposted this.Dont know if I've already posted this tool (windows-update-blocker, ie WUB.exe) is best I've come across for disabling Windows Update. (just a click, reboot may be a good idea afterwards, although I usually dont bother).Been usiing now for a couple of years on W10.[says x86/x64, WXP -> W11]EDIT: Quite a lot of other tools on above web page.EDIT: Also, dont install KB5001716 on W10, is W10 -> W11 Feature Update Forcer.I also execute this registry cmd file to fix a target release (W10 22H2)OS_TargetReleaseVersion_22H2.regCode:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate]"TargetReleaseVersion"=dword:00000001"TargetReleaseVersionInfo"="22H2"And to remove aboveREMOVE_OS_TargetReleaseVersion.regCode:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[...


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