7 Best Ear and Nose Trimmers: Complete Guide and Review - Grooming Essentials Blog - Grooming Tips for Men and Women
by Garrick Dee | Last Updated: June 16th, 2020An honest disclosure: Just an F.Y.I., there are maybe be affiliate links in this post. And if you click any of those affiliate links, I’ll earn a commission (A.K.A. money). However, you won’t be charged any more money for this to happen, so it’s a win-win for both of us!As we get up there in years, you’ll notice that hair pops out in places you least expect it to.One of those areas is the nose.Hair sticking out that area can be an eyesore.If you’re dating someone for the first time, you’ve got to make sure to get rid of those pesky follicles or risk disaster.Getting rid of nose hair can be tricky if you don’t have the right tools.You could resort to pulling them out with your fingers, scissors or use tweezers.All of which isn’t very efficient to do the job. Using the latter two can be dangerous if you aren’t careful.Fortunately grooming companies have this figured out and have tools that can not only trim annoying nose hair but also ear hai...