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The Best Toe Spacers for Running

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Natural feet are widest at the toes– though you’d be hard pressed to find someone who has this natural foot shape in the modern world.Conventional running shoes–and most other types of shoes, too–feature a narrow toe box (the front of the shoe, where your toes sit). The feet are highly adaptable, and are able to conform to the shape of the container they are put in. This has led us as a society to having ‘shoe-shaped’ feet.The rise of unhealthy footwear is at least partly responsible for the dramatic rise in foot-related pains and ailments in recent decades. Luckily, there are ways we can reverse this damage and prevent foot pain to improve our running performance. One of the easiest and most effective ways to regain healthy foot function is through the use of active wear toe spacers for running combined with wide toe box running shoes or running sandals.What Is the Purpose of ToeSpreaders or ToeSpacers for Running?Toespacers, also referred to as toe separators or toe spreaders, are a...


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