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BB Cream vs. CC Cream: Which is Best for Your Skin Type?

Share on PinterestIf you frequently shop for makeup, you’ve likely seen BB creams and CC creams at the store. They’re typically found next to traditional foundation, tinted moisturizers, and other facial makeup.You might wonder about the difference between BB and CC creams. You might also be unsure how they compare to standard face makeup. These products, after all, have only become popular in recent years.Generally, BB and CC creams are multipurpose products. They combine makeup and skin care in a single formula.Depending on the ingredients, BB and CC creams be used as a:primerconcealerfoundationhighlightermoisturizermattifying productskincare treatmentsunscreenAs multi-tasking products, BB and CC creams are excellent for simplifying your morning routine. They can help you save time, money, and space on your vanity.Still, BB and CC creams have some differences. The best choice depends on several factors, like your skin type and desired look.Before buying a BB or CC cream, check out th...


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