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What You Need to Know – CurlConnect

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If you have natural hair, you’ve probably heard about texturizing as an option to loosen your curl pattern while keeping some of your hair’s natural texture. Texturizers are chemical treatments that “slightly” alter your natural curl, making your hair easier to manage without fully relaxing it. But like any chemical process, texturizing has its pros and cons, and deciding whether it’s right for you requires careful consideration.In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of texturizing natural hair so you can make an informed choice.What Is Texturizing?Texturizing is a chemical process that softens and loosens your natural curl pattern without completely straightening the hair like a relaxer would. While relaxers straighten curls, texturizers aim to reduce the tightness of your curls, creating a more manageable texture. The results vary depending on how long the chemical is left on your hair and your specific curl type, but the goal is to make your natural hair easier to st...


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