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Stage 2 Breast Cancer: Treatment and Prognosis | MyBCTeam

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Breast cancer is diagnosed as stage 2 if there’s a tumor greater than 20 millimeters in size, if cancer cells are found in the lymph nodes, or both. Stage 2 breast cancer treatment may include some combination of surgery, lymph node dissection, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. The prognosis for stage 2 breast cancer is favorable, with a five-year-survival rate of 86 percent. Breast cancer is classified into stages based on how far cancer cells have spread and other details about the condition. Doctors use a person’s breast cancer stage to help select the best treatment options and estimate a prognosis (outlook). Stage 2 breast cancer is considered early-stage breast cancer, meaning the cancer has not yet spread outside the breast.In this article, we’ll look at what it means to have stage 2 breast cancer. We’ll also explore the available treatment options and the prognosis for people with this stage of breast cancer.How Is Breast Cancer Stage Determin...


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