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Top 5 Best UV Toothbrush Sanitizers Reviews [Updated 2024]

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American Dental Association recommends that you change your toothbrush every 3 – 4 months or sooner if the bristles start to wear away.Dentists also recommend that you brush twice daily for personal oral hygiene.However, following these two consensus recommendations alone doesn’t completely protect your oral health.What you may not know is that the bacteria in your mouth are transferred to your toothbrush. Then these bacteria build up on your brush head.Minor or thorough cleaning with water doesn’t really rid your brush head of bacteria.A toothbrush that hasn’t been sanitized contains bacteria. If used again, those same bacteria are transferred back into your mouth, then back to your brush again. The cycle continues to repeat itself.You need a UV toothbrush sanitizer to kill bacteria on your brush heads.In this comprehensive review, I review the five best UV toothbrush sanitizers in the market. In addition to that, I also review five best electric toothbrushes that come with UV sanitiz...


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