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Wheelchair rugby: Everything you need to know about the Paralympics' most brutal sport

All eyes are on Paris this week as the 2024 Paralympic Games get underway and Irish fans get ready to indulge themselves in another fortnight of wall-to-wall sport.One of the things that makes the Paralympics so breathtaking are the variations of the usual mainstream sports that we are normally accustomed to seeing on our screens throughout the year.Without doubt, wheelchair rugby is set to be one of the most exciting sports that will feature at this year’s Games.This version of rugby is equally fast paced as it is aggressive, earning it the nickname ‘murderball’. Don’t fret if you are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of it as here is your step by step guide to wheelchair rugby at the Paris Games. What is wheelchair rugby?As the name suggests wheelchair rugby is played in specially designed manual wheelchairs and combines elements of rugby, handball, and basketball.Wheelchair rugby is a mixed contact sport meaning both male and female players all play in the same discipline.Participati...


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