Serial Designation N
"I love doing anything!"―N to Uzi DoormanOverviewGalleryQuotesSerial Designation N-0X0010010, or simply known as N, is the deuteragonist of Murder Drones.N is a former Worker Drone, converted by Cyn into a Disassembly Drone and sent to Copper 9 to destroy runaway AI as Worker Drones. Eventually, he declared a friendship with Uzi who wants to rebel against the company and humanity until the two discovered the Absolute Solver, an immensely powerful artificial intelligence that afflicts Uzi and connected to N's past.Contents1 Physical Appearance1.1 Worker Form1.2 Dapper Outfit1.3 Camper Outfit2 Personality3 Biography3.1 Pre-series3.2 Season 13.2.1 PILOT3.2.2 Heartbeat3.2.3 The Promening3.2.4 Cabin Fever3.2.5 Home3.2.6 Dead End3.2.7 Mass Destruction3.2.8 Absolute End4 Abilities5 Weaknesses6 Relationships6.1 Allies6.2 Enemies7 Gallery8 Trivia9 ReferencesQuick AnswersWho is Serial Designation N?Serial Designation N is a deuteragonist of Murder Drones.Provided by: CommunityWhat is Serial Desi...